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May 16, 2007

Chained Wolf & Tentacle

Lol boring title but can't get anymore clearer than that. Drawing this guy's wolf head was pretty easier than the previous tiger guy. The hard part for this picture was his legs! I have a hard time drawing human legs, it's even harder drawing animal legs! Ah, well practice makes perfect =/

Messy version here


Kyle said...

awesome picture. The expression is done really well especially the eyes. I love how you always give us the option of the messy version. Thanks for the choice :D I absolutely adore your work and thank you for putting so much effort into it! You're about as awesome as awesome can be

Anonymous said...

"They say practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect. So why practice?"

LOL! Um, nothing. Carry on, carry on.

Anonymous said...

You don't have idea how much i enjoyed this wolf and the lions , you r a great artist hope to see more of your antroguys

Just Awesome !

Adrian Bear said...

I'd love to be on the receiving end of that wolf. Literally my ultimate fantasy

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