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May 11, 2007

Messy Xerude

Hehe, this guy is as much fun to draw as Keric. It must be because he's so filthy. And darwing messy stuff is fun! It looks like somebody poured cream cheese all over the guy. LOL, I guess in a way, someone did ;)


Anonymous said...

i think i just died and went to heaven

Anonymous said...

Haha, messy's a lot better than being neat :P hot 8-)

Anonymous said...

Guy..continue like this and you'll be soon a gay pornografic artist icon as Tom of Finland or Tagame or Joe Philips or anybody,because you really are better than all then.Keep drawing for God's sake!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! He's getting some good action! XD Love it! OwO

Adrian Bear said...

So goddamn hot

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