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Commissions F.A.Q.

June 15, 2007

Commissions F.A.Q.

Please check the new Commissions F.A.Q. page.


imnotjeff said...

Yeah Hummy, I can't wait to use your services!

Anonymous said...

Will you post the comissions here?

Can't wait to use this.

humbuged said...

jeffy - hahaha XD

anonymous - depends :)

Anonymous said...

What's a BG?

imnotjeff said...

I'm guessing BG = Background. i.e. do you want just the character or do you want them in a scene.

Anonymous said...

Your commission status is constantly closed; must mean you get a lot of business, huh? ^^;; Well, do tell me if you ever get around to opening them again; I'll check back from time to time, of course, or look at your y!Gallery journal posts, at least. You draw some crazy-sexy stuff. XD

My contact is


Anonymous said...

Awwh, man, I missed it! And every time I do, it looks like the price rises. v__v;;; I feel very, very poor.


Anonymous said...

hey hummy.

i think you secretly desire to post the commissions on here. heheheheh


Anonymous said...

What if we are unable to use PayPal...?

humbuged said...

hey cartoon,

that's the easiest payment portal I know of for me. so that's kinda my only option for a fast, smooth transaction. cheques have to wait a month to clear, so that's not practical :O

Anonymous said...


Why, oh why are your Commissions closed? I just got paid and am willing to dish out monies for pron. =O

I suppose I'll just have to stalk Humplex/Y! until you're open.

Anonymous said...

Any word on when the Commissions will OPEN again? (^_^) Also, who is Dia Pace?

Ålexandra said...

D: I've been checking nearly every day for 2 months now and commissions are ALWAYS closed D: I'm happy you've got business, but I'm sad (mostly in the pants) that I cant use you for artings too :P

humbuged said...

Mike, I'm glad you would like to commission me :D I'm closing off all commissions because I want to concentrate on finishing Keric's Komplex 3 :O

I'll announce the opening of commissions after I've finished with my project :)

Thank you so much for you patience! :D

Ålexandra said...

:O oh well in that case I will happily wait patiently ;) hehe thanks for the reply!

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