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August 9, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year 2007

An interactive flash for CNY '07 :)

2007 Chinese New Year Card, Keric

More games in the HUMRcade section.


Anonymous said...

Are you Chinese? I will be glad if you were!

Anonymous said...

Clever and hot! I like how you cannot screw up the answers. Very helpful since I'm not really thinking much with Keric spread out like that. ^_^

Anonymous said...

gong hey fat choi is cantonese ^^

are you mandarin?

Anonymous said...

wish i was taking the clothes off of cyl insed

enrique said...

Es delicioso. como quisiera que fuera real y chupale los güevos tan ricos y grandes, me lo comería todo

Unknown said...

Can you fix this? it just shows a white screen and nothing happens.. :( same as the Cyl vampire... :((

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