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August 10, 2007

Reid Hershel (Commission)

Commissioned by Ephnat. Happy Birthday! :)


Anonymous said...

*Happy Sigh* I've been staring dreamily at Reid on and off all day, and made everyone who came to my apartment look at his sexy goodness. Not being an artist myself I can't offer the kind of critical praise I'd like to, but the artist friends I shared it with all said they loved your shading! Needless to say, I'm 200% delighted with my commission.

Anonymous said...

thx ephnat glad you're happy :) it's good to hear critique's so pls say thx u to ur friends for me :)

Anonymous said...

Je suis choqué! Mon personage rpg favori! O_O

I'm choking! My characters rpg favorite! (scuse my poor english!)

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