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October 3, 2007

Phoenix Wright x Godot (Color) & Flickr

Hello people :D Haha, here I was trying to find another way to post this picture of Phoenix & Godot from my Flickr account when all of a sudden, I can login to Blogger!

I decided to try out posting from my Flickr account anyway :P Sigh, the internet connection here is screwy but it's all I got :P Lol enough rambling. I took a litle time off from the commissions to color the Phoenix Wright x Godot outlines that I've done. Hope you all likes :D

And of course a messy version here

Well, I'm off to finish another commission. Toodles ;)

PS - Ooo, so that's how my post would look like if I posted from Flickr. Smaller thumbnail XD In fact, everything looks smaller lol

PSS - Lol DUH, I set the picture's access to restricted so everyone needs to login to see it...I guess I'll just be posting the not restricted pics from Flickr to this blog XD I uploaded the picture to Blogger :P


Anonymous said...

Godot have black pubes :o!!!!!
i love the messy version ;0;

Paul said...

Hot~ <333

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