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January 8, 2008

News on Keric's Komplex Chapter 3

Well people, I've got great news :D It's been a few years since the last chapter hasn't it? :P So, armed with new and very little knowledge in flash game making, I've begun work on the next chapter of Keric's Komplex! Wheeeeee, exciting, yes? Spread the word XD

Preview of Keric's Komplex Chapter 3 Title Screen

2008 is looking good :)

PS - The previous chapters were down, but I've fixed the link now. It'll take you Newgrounds :)


Anonymous said...

I love previous chapters!!!

Anonymous said...

Jeeeezzz!!! I was so disappointed when it was just a preview picture!!! I fell of my box when I saw this!!! I was like "START GAMERZ!!!" *clickclickclick*

At least I now know it's comming....

Anonymous said...

omg i cant wait, i love this series.

make more, make more!

Anonymous said...

yey thank you thank you thank you. i just love your games, and thank you for fixing the other games as well...

maybe you should make a tab with a gallery or something soon, cus you got alot of pics now...
and a link for animations/games that would be great

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to play it.

Ambrosian Summers said...

holy sweet jebus.

Something tells me this is going to be an awesome revelation.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I got so excited when I saw it.

I started clicking frantically.


Found out it was just the title screen. xDD

hope it comes soon.

Anonymous said...

All I can say Is: It's about time!
can't wate to see what the boys get up to in this one XD

Anonymous said...

so is it wilder? double penetration, sandwiches and more?

Anonymous said...

LOL Kerics's complex III(some)??


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! I'm excited about this!!!!
You're the best online artist... so keep on doing this!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! I can't wait anymore

Your game make me crazy>>>> Ah!! I LIKE IT

'''''''''''Thai Boy>>>>>

K said...

mil vivas! =]

(it means "thousand cheers" in portuguese!)

Anonymous said...

You guys notice that every chapter, Keric has less and less clothese :D

soon he will be naked *.* Yummy


Anonymous said...

I <3 Keric.
Keric <3 ME. hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news, I can't wait. And quite lovely to see Keric in briefs again, you know I just LOVE Keric in his briefs. Hopefully we'll see some of Keric (and super hopefully some of Cyl!) in some briefs in Chapter 3. I know I'd go nuts for it :D

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Good luck!
Any hints as to what happens?

Anonymous said...

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Cant wait to try it!~ yaritai nah~

Anonymous said...

I hope it will come soon!!!

Anonymous said...

hi im an avid fan from the philippines... just luved those elves, so chapter 3 is comming, would you mind adding some sound effects like keric moaning perhaps hehehe just a suggestion anyway just love it... keep it up...

Anonymous said...

hi from the philippines here just wanna leave my email add just in case you wanna im me back


Anonymous said...

Yay, I just played your other chapters just recently. Have you ever thought about posting these flash in Newgrounds? Just to even up the straight hentai in there=]

Anonymous said...

Love the series so far. Can't wait to see and play the next chapter. I was wondering how you make them?

Anonymous said...


I can't wait for it!!!!


Anonymous said...

where is the downloading link?

Anonymous said...

Oh well, 'twas too good to be true, since I'm writing this on March 1st in 2009! And there's still nothing.

Anonymous said...

it was supose to be out on 2008 :O

its already 2009 DX
please dont make us suffer any longer??? LOL
or was this all just a fluke?

劲劲 said...

Can do faster ? the games can do faster ? so sexy , i like , always wait longer time ..

oneno238 said...

When is the release of Keric's Komplex 4? From 2008 to 2013? Can't wait any longer!!

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