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April 14, 2008

Stalker Tops High Priest (Commission)

This is for Esper :) This is him and his bf's Ragnarok Online characters :D

Stalker Tops High Priest

Messy version here

(Oops, I mentioned the wrong game haha. Fixed)


Anonymous said...

<333333 Hum!

Anonymous said...

So hot..Always wanted to see RO yaoi ><

Kouken said...

They look so cute together x3 in a totally hot way as well

tiggahtigz said...

I just stumbled upon your blog today and I must say I love it already...this post especially! I haven't played RO in forever and I miss it very much. This brings back memories...although, I don't remember it being as sexy. :)

DJ Korina said...

nice... im keep the face the angel guy or...something (What? he looks cute!)

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