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July 28, 2008

Keric's Komplex 3 Preview 2

Here's another screencap from the game :) Who's the mysterious person? Only way to know is to play the game when it's out soon! XD

Keric's Komplex 3 Preview 2

If you have a blog, please help promote Keric's Komplex 3! :D You can use the KK3 materials in my blog like the picture above and also these; Title Screen, Preview 1, Teaser. Let others know of the fun! :D


Anonymous said...

wow :D
looks hot how he's lying in the gras...

Anonymous said...

I can't wait! This is gonna be so awesome!

Anonymous said...

The suspense! *o*
He looks like a hot white shadow. XD <3

Anonymous said...

Oh come now, I think we all know who he is ;)

But that still doesn't mean we aren't waiting eagerly for it :(

Anonymous said...

hmm.. from your past drawings and the winning drawing from your contest. its either the greeen SUPER FINE && SEXY hairedguy....the blue hot guy with the ribbin on his penis...or the winner. either way its someone SUPER HOT with long hair ;)

can't wait! ^///^

Anonymous said...

Judging by how long ago komplex 2 was made, I think we all know who it's bound to be...

Anonymous said...

I've already started promoting you and Keric's Komplex 3! Really looking forward to it! <3s

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