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August 16, 2008

Male Morrigan

Yay for gender reversal! :D I was browsing through some Capcom galleries and thought how nice Morrigan's character design is. So I wanted to draw Morrigan :D In male form! Using the same costume would just make him look too girly, so I changed stuff here and there XD I love Capcom!

Male Morrigan

Versions: Naked, Messy


Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooh ~ I love you hummy ~ X3 <3

Anonymous said...

Heh... I renember back when I had first gotten Darkstalkers 3, I had ideas for a Male-igan. He would have had tight leather pants and a harness, though. *shrug*

Anonymous said...

Wonderful job as always! You caught the right amount of sexiness for Morrigan. :D

Anonymous said...

Hum, you rock my socks!

The Elf Word said...

Wow I had the same idea last night when i was playing Darkstalkers the chaos Tower... (don't know why but every time i play that game i get aroused, good think you materialized that idea... baby you rock!!!

Matt Dans said...

oooh he is a shooter. delicious.

dreamerboy6 said...

OMG! Love it SO MUCH!

Anonymous said...

well... he´s a succubi. doesn´t sound i dunno...

Anonymous said...

i love morrigan
and you've done a great job
he is morrigan male version

Anonymous said...

masturbation game with him would be awesome <3

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