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March 5, 2009

Flash Gift for March 2009

Zulf Tied Up
Price: USD$4.99
Buy Now at Studio Rai29

I'm sorry, but Zulf isn't available at the moment... he's a little tied up! But don't you spend a single second worrying about this hunky wolf man because he will get back to you the second he's... done! How else does a bartender like Zulf relax after putting in a long day of work at the juice bar? By playing just as hard, of course!

- Looped animation scenes
- Change animation speed
- Button presses for cum scene
- Keyboard key presses for changing speed and cum scene

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Anonymous said...

I neeed to get Zulfy! :0 <3

Anonymous said...

GOD! this flash looks SO DAMN HOT it HURTS that I dont have a dime or paypal to buy it! -_-

I want it soooo bad :b

Zulfy is so cuuuute

(btw hum, how did you get so good at making flashes ? :o)

Keiji said...

Oh god, this flash makes me SO HAPPY. :3. I love you, Hum.

<3 to Zulf, too. :D

Anonymous said...

OMG I purchased this flash n I'm very happy with it :D Zulf is just so cute and fuzzy X3 And it looks like he beefed up like the others as well :D I wanna hug him so bad X3 lol Awesome job Hum ^___^

~ I<3Xerude

Anonymous said...

OMG I purchased this flash n I'm very happy with it :D Zulf is just so cute and fuzzy X3 And it looks like he beefed up like the others as well :D I wanna hug him so bad X3 lol Awesome job Hum ^___^

~ I<3Xerude

Anonymous said...

Me is sad, AlertPay won't accept either of my cards! :( Is there another way I can pay you??? *drools*

humbuged said...

DarkSpy87 Send an email to :D They'll help you find a way to purchase the Flashes :D Have fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

oh my god, I can't freakin believe you're actually SELLING this stuff!

This is an outrage!

humbuged said...

There are lots of free games at the HUMRcade, enjoy your stay~ :D

Anonymous said...

You should o some more things with Zulf and Toraz. I think they're the hottest ones youve ever drawn. I would love to see more of them especially Toraz since you haven't done much with home, don't leave him out of your work, he's really sexy.

Anonymous said...

omg i wish i could buy this flash

Luis said...

sigh... so tempting... too bad... since im a closet fag i cant ask my sister for her credit card :(. btw im 19, so i ish of teh legal age!

Anonymous said...

wow this is such a fun site. i love visiting it. Hum, i hav alot of money saved, maybe i can be a new supporter?

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