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October 3, 2009

October 2009 Calendar, Rai

Woo, here's October's calendar everyone! A special one too ;) Here's Rai showing you his goods, haha :P Thank you to Studio Rai29 for letting me use their studly mascot!

2009 is almost over everyone! :O Did you get to do what you wanted this year? :)

1280x800 Wallpaper
October 2009 Calendar, Rai

1280x1024 Wallpaper here

There's also an A4 high quality version if you wish to print out the calendar, here


Inferno said...

Looks like I picked a great time to check back here.

Rai, in little more than a fundoshi and a smile? I'll take that October Surprise, thanks!

mr.war said...

this is my fav one now!
love the work! <3

ヴァニラ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DiamondDust said...

Thanks for the wallpapers as always, Hummy ~ <3

- Diamond

Iceman Blue said...

Wow, I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow nice bulge in his unterpants.

Anonymous said...

Wow! you did a nice job on him. Congratulations on getting this one out 'on time'. I was kind of expecting to see a buff man in sexy costume, but I suppose we'll get that later this month... But I'm still really happy with this one.

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