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December 5, 2009

December 2009 Calendar, Keric and Cyl

Hey, everyone :) Ah, the final calendar for 2009. Is it already December? Seems like yesterday I drew the January calendar for 2009. What better way to say farewell to 2009 than with a kiss? Although, a kiss would also be suitable to say hello to 2010 :D

Cyl <3 Keric

1280x800 Wallpaper
December 2009 Calendar, Keric and Cyl

1280x1024 Wallpaper here

There's also an A4 high quality version if you wish to print out the calendar, here


Inferno said...

...and I wake up to this in my Google Reader.

This is possibly the best way to start the day ever. Two things, though:

1) Damn, Cyl is short. Or Keric's tall.

2) OH GOD THE UNDERWEAR. BEST SKIVVIES EVER. I'm normally a boxers man, but I'd totally buy a pair of Humplex briefs.

jonnyku said...

The best one yet! They are the greatest copule in the world.

KOS-MOS-18 said...

finally, The Wait Is Ovaaaaa!!!! Not for the calender, but for Keric to finally let Cyl love him ^.^ I think its cause he helped saved him in Keric's Komplex 3 :3 Awwww! Can't wait for more drawings of these two together!


Anonymous said...

Very Cool! Good job! :DDDDDDDDDDD

Anonymous said...

Awwww. Cyl looks like he's about to shed a tear, and Keric looks like he's about to embrace him - passionately...*sniff*

Baraboylover said...

I was listening to this song:

Then when I saw this pic, I cried...

Silent Night said...

This is very sensual and clearly a delight to have as a desktop now especially because my birthday was yesterday :D

I'd also buy a pair of those undies xP

Anonymous said...

awesome :D

has keric gotten more buff?


Spicy-Quality said...

It is very well done, bright colors, beautiful draw !!!

But, it's december calendar and no Christmas hat ??? I'm a little bit disapointed...

but they are so sexy though !

Yarj said...

The best month! >.<

Anthony Lee said...

If I could draw like you<333
my life would be perfect.

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