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December 11, 2010

Comments Are Enabled Again

Hello everyone! :D Wow, I was gone the whole of November, haha XD I'm working on the latest Monthly Manful. Hopefully I'll put it up sometime next week.

Good news to those of you registered users who like to post comments, I'm enabling it again. I'm also going to put the Humcorner back here too. Have fun everyone! I'll post something back up soon. :) Merry Christmas!


Leon Yabuki said...

Did you go out on vacations? ^_^ Good to have you here :D

Tebeau23 said...

Any Christmas Surprises? ;)

Raz said...

Yes, are there Christmas surprises? By the way, I would like to know how I could post my drawings in your page. I love your art; those boys you have drawn so far are really hot and handsome. Thanks for that!

Jeffrey said...

Ok, for the life of me I can't figure out how to get to the interactive ending on "The Coach" monthly manful. How do you do it!

DEVILMAN said...

Nice!!!! The interactivity is back!!!!!

Glad to see your back!

Raz said...

Jeffrey, I know how but I don't know if I can post it. I mean, I don't know if I have the right to.

Ben said...

Any chance you'll be bringing back up the Toraz tshirts?

Unknown said...

Dear humplex owner, I am trying to purchase one of your monthly manfuls but it keeps saying my visa is expired, but it isnt though, what should I do?

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