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March 19, 2011

Monthly Manful: The Beast

Monthly Manful: The Beast
Price: USD$9.99
Buy Now at Studio Rai29
Desperate to find the hot endings? Get the Top Secret Walkthrough Guide Manful: The Beast ebook.

Waylen has been cursed to roam the Enchanted Forest as a Beast. Can you change him back to his original form?

- Chat simulation
- Music
- Different underwear
- Multiple endings (some interactive)
- User Guide (PDF format)
- Fullscreen mode

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Anonymous said...

is there gonna be anymore keric's komplex? D:

Alfie said...

That was fast! The basketball player next time please :)

Menntaiko~ said...

I can't access to the facebook page, it redirects me to my facebook home page D: Anyone else having the same problem?

humbuged said...

It's age restricted :)

Menntaiko~ said...

:O xD Well I guess I'll have to wait! Thanks for letting us know.

jonnyku said...

Can we have a blowjob ending next time please?

Anonymous said...

He looks gRRReat! You've done it again, Humbuged! I was kind of worried because there were some rumors going on that the next monthly manful was a genie. Phew! I'm glad that didn't come true. I'm just turned off with unnatural skin tones, if you ask me. He's so purrrfect...

daviddoyer said...

is there a way to let him fck me in his beast form?

claytja said...

what are the names of the types of underwear

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