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September 25, 2011

Hugs and Kisses from Keric (Commission)

This commission is pretty unique. A long haired Keric! XD Aww, who wouldn't get hard getting hugs and kisses from a hunk, right? Haha!

This is for his site, Gay Long Haired Guys.

Want to commission an artwork? Click here.


Menntaiko~ said...

Nice, really, really nice. +1!

DX said...

>.< sexy and cute

DEVILMAN said...

I like this a lot. I was missing this kind of ilust from yours x3

Anonymous said...

Keric looks like he is kissing Jeff from the Artifice Webcomic at When I saw it, my eyes popped. Deacon wouldn't be happy to see Keric all over his man. *evil grin*

humbuged said...

Hehe, totally coincidental. The person Keric is hugging is the guy who commissioned this piece :)

DJ Korina said...

*sneezes* excuse me..... well im just looking at keric upside down for a moment so BRB! xD

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