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April 5, 2022

Changes to the Patron Tiers in May 2022

Hello everybody. :)
There'll be additions to some tiers starting in May 2022. :D

Why the additions?
For more people to enjoy the naughty artworks! :D

When will the additions be?
The 1st of May 2022.

What are the changes?
The changes will be:

More info about the changes:
– All tiers will get early access to select projects. (When I release special projects, Patrons will get to see/play it a month before release.)
– Low-resolution/small-sized artworks have a width/height of 800 pixels or less.
– High-resolution/large-sized artworks have a width/height of 2000 pixels or more.

What about custom pledge amounts?
Patrons not in a tier will get the benefits of the one closest to their pledge amount, rounded down. (Pledge $10 ▶︎ Get the $5 tier benefits.)

I would also like to give names to each tier! Because "$15 Tier" sounds boring. :P I'll create a public poll in Patreon later. Then we can pick the best naming convention for the Patron tiers. :D

I've thought of three themes for the tiers (Theme: $1, $5, $15, $25):

Metals: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum
Colors: Beige, Cyan, Magenta, Green
Humplexian: HumBitty, HumBiggy, HumBulky, HumBeastly

You're welcome to suggest some too. If your comment has many likes, I'll add it to the Patreon poll next week. :)

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