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May 13, 2007

Sketch of a naked man

Just a simple doodle. I always mess up some part of the human least I try to make it look believable I guess. I was too lazy to look for some references of back muscles.


Anonymous said...

Hummy, Your artwork is very good and quite erotic. I'd love to spend a little time in that head of yours. Oh and was this poor young thing spanked? His ass is a bit red. :D

humbuged said...

LOL jeffy :D Yes, I spanked it hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Hummy, even better *drool*. You are so damn cute, why can't I take you home. :( Keep up the good work. And I agree with the other people here, your talent is so genuine that you could be famous if you keep working at it. All my best, be back to GT chat soon. --Chao

humbuged said...

(hug) will be waiting :) say hi to sandy for me!

Anonymous said...

We both miss you and the gang very much... I'll let him know you said hello. All our best.

Anonymous said...

Doodles always help with drawing. OwO I know you'll get it down soon! :3

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Humplex by Humbuged is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0