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October 4, 2007

Ayn x Ro (Commission)

Hey people :) Posting another commissioned piece. This one features original characters of the commissioner (isn't this word for the head of police officers of something?).

From what I know, these two are elves but the other one is a werewolf. So yeah that's why he's like that :P This was quite fun to do because I had to do a tribal tattoo! I'm very bad at drawing stuff from memory. The first tattoo I did was...fugly (no, I didn't save the picture so I can't show you, thank god XD). So as usual, my friend Google found some really nice tattoo references for me. And boy did it help! I'm happy with how the tattoo turned out :)

Here's a zoomed in picture of the tattoo


MaxHedrm said...

Shouldn't he have a knot if he's a werewolf. >:-)

humbuged said...

max lol i dunno how to draw animal dick XD

Anonymous said...

XD @ Max.

Anonymous said...

Now that's hot. The charas look interesting and I take it the tattoo wraps around the front as well?

Anonymous said...

demona yup :)

Tomas said...

very hot, love the tat (and everything else of course)

Ghostpilot said...

Hehe, actually he's not a werewolf, but a wolf-elf...actually it's a long story and part of a story I've been working on. ;)

Thanks again for the great work, Hum! I may wind up getting another piece by the two done again soon!

By the way, if anyone was curious to see more piccies of the chars and others, I have them all here. ^^

Anonymous said...

tomas hey, thx for commenting :)

micheal oops! XD I'll go rewrite the post ahaha sorry!

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