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October 14, 2007

Cyl as Luke Skywalker (Commision)

Remember Keric "Han Solo"? I finished another one for Rob! This is Cyl parodying the hero of Star Wars, Luke Skywalker :)

He looks rather cute and yummy holding a light saber. I'm sure he sets many a boys and girls hearts all a flutter ;D Hehe, are there lots of Star Wars fan out there? :D

PS - You all might notice that I've been drawing a lot of full figure drawings. It's mostly to practice drawing feet ;D And posing :P


Anonymous said...

OMG it's so cute (and hot :D)! I love them both! I have the most insatiable urge to put them on an actual Star Wars poster lol (~^.^)~

Anonymous said...

uhh... and xerude? please oh please?

Anonymous said...

i do like the full body better. :0)

Anonymous said...

Awww ~ he looks super cute in white with his long hair. :3 Don't worry ~ your feet look good. XD <3

humbuged said...

bfm, hehe :D

anon, he will come soon :) no pu intended! ;D

brandon, yeah it looks better, but for me, tiring to drawww XD

diamond, yay thx!

Unknown said...

He looks so much badass ! Pur favorite stalker

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