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January 2, 2008

Happy New Year: 2008

All of us here at The Humplex want to wish a very Happy New Year to everyone! :D

Happy New Year 2008


Ambrosian Summers said...

And a happy 08 to you too! <3

Anonymous said...

Haha awesome. Happy new year!

This pic reminds me that we haven't had a frontal pic of xerude for too long. I wanna see that green fur. ):

Anonymous said...

were cyl's eyes always that green?

Anonymous said...

happy new year, and keep on drawing. please hurry up with the keric complex cap. 3.... ohhh and you need to fix the 2 you posted before, cus they are not working like they are supposed to... good luck in the year to come and ill keep coming back to your blog

Unknown said...

Hey thanks for adding me to your links! Its great to see you drawing again ;)

K3rry said...

Happy New Year !! I really like Xerude in this pic by the way ! He looks really ... Handsome !

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