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January 26, 2008

Taking a Break

Hey people :) I'll be leaving tomorrow to visit my bro at his place. Will be back on Feb 1st. I need a break anyway. That MGS flash game really took a lot outta me lol my back is still sore from sitting too much.

It's too bad I can't bring the laptop now but I still have my DS. At least I have a way to draw my horny elves while I'm away XD In the meantime, I've gotten some help to take care of you all while I'm away ;)

Daddy Xerude Rough

You all play nice now and remember, take care of your health!


Ambrosian Summers said...

Lol, have a wonderful time there. ^.^

Anonymous said...

Have fun while you're away!

Normally, I would hate being babysat (with as old as I am...), but Xerude being the babysitter would be a completely different story. lol

Anonymous said...

No! Never! Well then, my site should be operational by the time you ge back! Enjoy the vacation or whatever. ^_^

Anonymous said...

tss haha . have fun while youre away. i'll teach daddy here a new lesson or two. does xerude enjoy crying uncle?

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a good time full of relaxation ~ <3

Anonymous said...

Have a good break, Hummy. :) You deserve it!

- Ricardo

Keiji said...

Have fun with your brother and such.

And are you sure your back isn't hurting from... something else? ;)

Hee hee.

*ears droop*

Um... yes Mr Xerude... sir... I'll listen. >_>.

JC said...

Hooray Xerude!

Enjoy your vacation! Did you figure out how to export your animations from Colors! yet?

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