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September 8, 2008

Spotlight on Blodiax123

There are so many talented artists out there who do erotic gay works :) Have you seen Blodiax123's works? :D He's got some nice pieces at his y!gallery. You can even play some of them! ;D

My current fave is the collaboration between him and Heyohwhoa. This is Heyohwoah's character, Nykolai :D

Must register with y!gallery
Nykolai Masturbation Game

If you're too lazy to register to y!gallery, Heyohwoah also put the flash up at his site :)

Blodiax123 is the person who inspired me to make my masturbation games :D You can even commission him for some :)

So have fun everyone ;)


Anonymous said...

I love Blodiax's stuffs too ~ :3 <3

Anonymous said...

I can't play it.. Nothing happens.

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