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July 2, 2009

July 2009 Calendar, Toraz

It's a new month! And a new month brings with it a new wallpaper :) So who is our muscle hunk for this month? It's our friendly (yet always scowling) neighborhood legendary swordsman, Toraz! :)

He growled at me when I tried to draw him in a different underwear. All is well again after I drew him his fundoshi (after cursing and blackmails to me). XD Now have fun with July's wallpaper :)

1280x800 Wallpaper

1280x1024 Wallpaper here

There's also an A4 high quality version if you wish to print out the calendar, here


Anonymous said...

dawwwwwww I luv toraz!
(already on my desktop)

Unknown said...

Great isn't it..
It's on my desktop also!

DiamondDust said...

Thanks Hummy ~ :D <3

Anonymous said...

Woo~ Very nice wallpaper! Thankss <3

Atsorf said...

Ok I really love your calendars. they are always on my background. The june one I found ironic because my birthday is in june and I love bananas so much I was always called a monkey. I related to him well... T_T

Sar said...

Thanks for the awesome calendar background, Hummy. I know that if this guy were real, I wouldn't mind waking up next to him.

Hmm, I sense a comic idea coming on...

Anonymous said...

*SQUEEEE* toraz!! so cute! the scowl....yummy. maybe Zulf can be up next? oh by the way what happend to Zeoh?

Anonymous said...

I love it and all your wallpapers ! toraz is so sexy I love him !
humplex is a very good site ! good job !

Anonymous said...

How do you draw muscle guys? I mean, by paper and pencil, that is. By the way I love your works and I can't wait for KC3.

Anonymous said...

Oh god, rly hot tiger :) I should've print him...


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