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April 2, 2012

Fatigue-ness & Tired Keric Suckin' Dick

Woo, this morning I woke up feeling reaaaally sluggish! =_=

After finishing up Manful: The Bouncer, I took a day off for the weekend to relax, hehe. ^O^ I also seem to have missed a workout session! Lol, bad hum! And now it's time to plan on the next Manful man. Sigh, and also to plan/start on other stuff. (OMG, where's Keric's Komplex 4?!) XD

Poor tired Keric working hard on sucking that dick.


edog123 said...

there, see you guys? he recognizes that Keric Komplex 4 is not out so you don't need to keep asking.

Nemo said...

So what is the next Manful going to be?

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