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March 23, 2022

Humplex Caramelldansen Widescreen

HTML5 version on GitHub or
Video version on Twitter.

Woo, I decided to rework the old Humplex Caramelldansen flash animation. I somehow lost the FLA file for the original 2008 version. :(

An opensource app helped to decompile the SWF file back into FLA format. This enabled me to edit it in Adobe Animate! The drawing part was easy.

But converting the Actionscript 2 codes to HTML5/Javascript took me days to figure out. And it was only just the preloader and loop codes. :P

Now you can watch and enjoy the HTML5 version in your mobile devices!

The post with the original 2008 version is here, if you want to read it. XD

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Humplex by Humbuged is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0