Electricity Bil & Design Ur Elf Submissions
Hi everyone! :D I'm so glad for all the support you all have given me ;_; I've got enough to pay half the bil and it'll be enough to keep the lights on in the Humplex!! The boys are already working on it :D
Now, now Arus, you have to wear those protective gear :O Be a good monkey boy :)
And wow, the turnout for the Design Ur Elf Contest is wonderful!
Look at all the beautiful elf boys
There's still time left so send it your submissions everyone :)

Oh no...naughty Arus! :P
Ooooh! Kerric's gonna make my circuits blow... can blow my circuits...
there's no way to keep that from sounding plain smutty is there?
Oh, Keric ~ *w* <3
Yet another picture of Arus that makes me like the furry stuff that you do and hate pretty much everyone else's. *sigh*
That aside, Keric is hot as an electrician. :D~
great works!
bye from italy
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