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June 2, 2009

June 2009 Calendar, Arus

Woo, it's June! Y'know what that means? Summer time is here! And what better way to spend the summer with a fun and naughty monkey! XD Arus looooves to play in the summer. Will you play with Arus? :D

1280x800 Wallpaper
June 2009 Calendar, Arus

1280x1024 Wallpaper here

There's also an A4 high quality version if you wish to print out the calendar, here


Anonymous said...


Look at him~ he looks so playful and innocent~
I know where this is going! hahahaha...

We can play on my tree house Arus~ *waves banana*

humbuged said...

Kawkun, Arus? Innocent? Hehehehe XD

Nemo said...

LOL! banana hammock XD

Anonymous said...

He's adorable and very sexy! Great work!

Anonymous said...

wow O.o! do you have a 1024x768 version?

humbuged said...

Anon, no i don't have that size :O

Anonymous said...

i like him the most of all :)
wish you would make more of him

Dru=] said...

I love this darn monkey! he looks so playful.

Steve said...

hooray for the banana hammock! ^_^

Nemo said...

@ Dru: Yeh, I totally agree. Besides Kerick, he's like my favorite Hum-dude.

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